The Last Enchantment: Apropos Alpha Females !-- Ne

The Last Enchantment

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Apropos Alpha Females

"The down lift came first, the young American stepped easily into it, and Jerry resumed his post. The door marked C opened; he saw her come out, and turn to double-lock it. Her clothes were everyday. Her hair was long and ash blond but she tied it in a pony-tail at the nape. She wore a plain halter-neck dress and sandals, and though he couldn't see her face he already knew she was beautiful. She walked to the lift, still not seeing him, and Jerry had the illusion of looking in on her through a window from the street.

There were women in Jerry's world who carried their bodies as if they were citadels to be stormed only by the bravest, and Jerry had married several; or perhaps they grew that way under his influence. There were women who seemed determined to hate themselves, hunching their backs and locking up their hips. And there were women who had only to walk toward him to bring him a gift. "


It's been ages since my citadel had a good stormin'.

Apart from Bob and the Doc that is.

10/24/2006 3:41 pm  

I'm afraid 220 miles would be stretching things close to the limit.


10/25/2006 12:09 am  

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